Happy New Year to everyone!

It's been a while since I made my last post. Now that I have my own blog, I finally realized how difficult it is to maintain a blog. Those bloggers hardly update their blogs not only because of laziness, but also because of human nature. People are seeking a faster way of expressing themselves, and that's why micro media platforms exist. Since I do want to see how my blog goes, I will maintain my lazy blogger status. Let's hope I can at least keep it up.

So, retrospection, where to start? Since 2015 was an eventful year, I will pick two major events to talk about. The transition from high school to college is one and college life is another.

College Application is a period that left many people in tears and many people in joy. It is a completely different experience from those that stuck to the Gaokao system where score is everything.

It also marks the end of high school where people who have know each other for almost 6 years depart for their own future. I still remember the day when my friend and I sneaked into an unused classroom in the newly built Yifu Building and watched this video together (embedded below). So many emotions flooded in, about the fleeting past, about unknown future and about the friends who will be far apart. Indeed, one line in this video sums up the process perfectly, "the place where you go ends up being the place where you fall in love with." At least it eases the part about the past.

Then my first quarter at UCLA begins. So far, I have been settling well, and, to be honest, the food is amazing, better than what I got at home! I got a quirk of cycling in campus at late night with nobody but night breeze. It is just so cool! But I do wish a friend could join me.

And it is indeed not until college that I realized how much this experience could change me. With so many activities to attend, so many clubs to join, and much diversity flooded around the campus, I felt I was assimilated into this huge pot. I don't want to go into detail here which could be dedicated to an entire post. I just want to try more fun stuff, and make the most out of my college experience. (Okay, this sounds like a college ads line)

With the next quarter starting in a few days, I sincerely wish all will be going well.

Also, it is said that new year is a time to make resolutions. I will briefly document my tiny ambitions here in the hope that it will be of interest to the future me studying the past me. Since I invariably fail at adhering to resolutions, this list reflects more of my current mentality.

  • GPA is for life
  • Make more friends
  • Advance more in Mathematics
  • Friends, visit me at L.A.!
  • Get an internship

Finally, I will end my post with a nerdy line of code.

python -c "print 'Happy {}'.format(sum(range(64)))"